Independent evaluation of Sida’s support to projects in the scope of the EDCTP2 programme
Type: Brochures and other publications
Date: 24 Jul 2020
As of 31 December 2018, Sida contributed EUR 10,946,433 to support projects within the scope of the EDCTP2 Programme. As of September 2019, this comprised EUR 7,946,433 in both commitments and disbursements to the ongoing/completed projects as well as EUR 3,000,000 for the prospective projects.
The report outlines the findings of the ‘independent evaluation of Sida’s support to projects in the scope of the EDCTP2 programme’ (Sida Support Evaluation, SSE). Evaluators: Rebecca Hanlin, Anja van’t Hoog, Mariana Kruger, Julius Mugwagwa and Joanna Chataway.