The Université Iba Der Thiam de Thiès is the coordinator of the OPT-SMC project, led by Professor Jean Louis Ndiaye, a former EDCTP fellow. OPT-SMC works with national malaria control programmes in West and Central Africa to improve the delivery and uptake of seasonal malaria chemoprevention through implementation research and sharing of information and expertise in the network.
EDCTP site visit to Senegal
On 14-15 November 2022, Mr Abdoulie Barry, Director of Finance and Administration, and Dr Pauline Beattie, Operations Manager carried out a review of three EDCTP projects taking place in Senegal: MTBVACN3, MTBVAC Newborns and OPT-SMC.
The Centre de Recherche Biomédicale Espoir Pour La Santé (CRB-EPLS) in St Louis is a partner in the MTBVACN3 and MTBVAC Newborns projects, both of which are evaluating a new TB vaccine. EDCTP met with project staff to review the progress of EDCTP-supported activities and heard about future plans for the research centre.

Mr Barry and Dr Beattie had the honour of meeting with the University Rector, Professeur Ramatoulaye Diagne Mbengue to hear about the strategy of the University and its support for the OPT-SMC project.

We thank the institutions for the warm welcome, hospitality and cooperation during our visit.