ALERRT annual meeting

On 4-5 May 2022, one of the EDCTP-funded epidemic consortia, ALERRT, held its annual meeting in Entebbe, Uganda. EDCTP Senior Project Officer Dr Jean Marie Habarugira joined the meeting and gave a presentation that revisited EDCTP’s investments in epidemic preparedness, with an emphasis on the expected impact from ALERRT and PANDORA-ID-NET based on the call launched in 2016 and considering the fast-changing landscape that saw ALERRT respond to various outbreaks in the past four years. Dr Habarugira also introduced the recently launched Global Health EDCTP3 Joint Undertaking (GH EDCTP3 JU) and advised the ALERRT participating organisations to take note of the new webpages of the GH EDCTP3 JU, the upcoming funding opportunities and other relevant information.