European and African clinical research on poverty-related and neglected diseases, 2003-2011 – a bibliometric analysis

24 August 2015

On 11 August 2015 PLOS neglected tropical diseases published the research article ‘Bibliometric assessment of European and sub-Saharan African research output on poverty-related and neglected infectious diseases from 2003-2011’ by authors from EDCTP and Thomson Reuters. Today, EDCTP publishes the bibliometric analysis that provides the full background to this article.

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The objective of this analysis was to quantify research output by European and African researchers on poverty-related and neglected infectious diseases (PRDs) and measure its relative impact. The analysis comprises research publications in peer-reviewed journals between 2003 and 2011 and describes patterns of research collaboration as well.

Overall, the report – European and African clinical research: a bibliometric analysis of publications within the scope of EDCTP2, 2003-2011 – shows that volume and citation impact of papers from sub-Saharan Africa have increased since 2003, as has collaborative research between Europe and sub-Saharan Africa. Papers arising from collaborative research had a higher citation impact than non-collaborative research and over 90% of publications from EDCTP-funded research projects were published in high-impact journals. EDCTP-associated papers related to HIV/AIDS, TB and their co-infection and involving authors from Southern Africa and East Africa are exceptionally highly-cited: around five times the world average.

The report shows that the European share of world research in HIV/AIDS, TB and neglected infectious diseases is around one-third. Although European research output has grown, it has not kept pace with global research growth. Sub-Saharan Africa’s share is around one-tenth. The relative contribution of both regions to the global output of malaria research is larger.

The study was conducted by Thomson Reuters. As part of the preparations for its second programme, EDCTP commissioned Thomson Reuters to conduct this bibliometric analysis in order to identify progress, gaps and opportunities in both the European Union member states to and sub-Saharan countries.

The study was part of ‘EDCTP-Plus: laying the foundations for the EDCTP2 programme’ which was funded by a grant received from the European Union under the FP7 programme (call: FP7-Adhoc-2007-13, grant agreement nr. 304786).