Senegal: launch of IRESSEF – health research, surveillance and training
On 19 June 2017, Senegal will launch IRESSEF, its new Institut de Recherche en Santé, de Surveillance Epidémiologique et de Formation [Institute for Health Research, Epidemiological Surveillance and Training]. The institute has the ambition to become a hub for health research, surveillance and training in Africa. The launch will be presided over by the President of Senegal, His Excellency Macky Sall.
Connected to the launch is an international symposium from 19-20 June 2017. The symposium will cover ‘Building partnerships to advance surveillance responses to disease threats, laboratory quality management systems and access to quality diagnostics, and public health research in Africa’.
On 21 June, the kick-off meeting of WANETAM will take place. WANTAM, the West African Network of Excellence for TB, AIDS and Malaria is one of the original four EDCTP networks created to build capacity for clinical trials on HIV, TB and malaria. The network started its activities on 31 July 2009 and enters now a new phase
At the launch and the consecutive events, EDCTP will be represented by its Executive Director, Dr Michael Makanga, who will contribute a speech to the opening session for the launch of the institute.

Speakers at the opening ceremony (left to right): Chargé d’Affaires Martina Boustani (USA), John C. Martin (GILEAD), Prof. Francois Dabis (ANRS), Prof. Souleymane Mboup (IRESSEF), His Excellency the President of Senegal Mr Macky Sall, Dr Michel Sibidé (UNAIDS), Dr Michael Makanga (EDCTP), and Prof Umberto d’Alessandro (MRC-The Gambia).
Brochure with programme.