EDCTP at the MIM Society 8th Pan-African Malaria Conference
The Multilateral Initiative on Malaria (MIM) Society 8th Pan-African Malaria Conference will take place on 21-27 April 2024 in Kigali, Rwanda under the theme ‘Grassroots mobilization to end malaria: invest, innovate and integrate‘. The conference will bring together leading researchers, policymakers, and innovators to deliberate on the status of malaria in Africa, share research findings, and discuss the challenges and efforts of controlling malaria in the continent. It will also provide a platform to share perspectives that strengthen efforts towards locally driven R&D and grassroots mobilization to end malaria through innovations, collaborations, and synergy among stakeholders.
Professor Marcel Tanner, High Representative, Dr Thomas Nyirenda, Strategic Partnerships & Capacity Development Manager and Head of Africa Office, and Dr Montserrat Blázquez Domingo, Senior Project Officer, will represent EDCTP at MIM 2024. Additionally, several grantees supported by the EDCTP2 and the Global Health EDCTP3 programmes will present their work. Below is an overview and visit the MIM 2024 website for more information.
Implementing single low dose primaquine for transmission-blocking in Sub-Saharan Africa: where do we stand & where are we going to counter the new threat of artemisinin partial resistance?
When: Monday 22 April 2024, 10:30-12:00 (CAT)
Where: Kigali Convention Centre, Room AD11
Organiser: University of Oxford (UK)
Facilitating an integrated regional response to antimalarial drug resistance in South-East Africa
When: Monday 22 April, 10:30-12:00 (CAT)
Where: Kigali Convention Centre, Room AD10
Organiser: Rwanda University & WHO Global Malaria Programme
R21/Matrix-M: a high-impact malaria vaccine
When: Monday 22 April 2024, 13:30-15:00 (CAT)
Where: Kigali Convention Centre, Room AD10
Organiser: University of Oxford (UK)
Panel discussion
Capacity building
When: Tuesday 23 April 2024, 10:30-12:00 (CAT)
Where: Kigali Convention Centre, Main Auditorium
Professor Marcel Tanner, High Representative, EDCTP Association, and Dr Thomas Nyirenda, Strategic Partnerships & Capacity Development Manager and Head of Africa Office, EDCTP Association, will speak at this event.
Partnerships for implementation research to optimise the impact of Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention in West and Central Africa
When: Tuesday 23 April 2024, 10:30-12:00 (CAT)
Where: Kigali Convention Centre, Room AD11
Organiser: University of Thies (Senegal)
The Malaria in Mother and Babies (MiMBa) Initiative: innovative R&D tools to better serve pregnant and lactating women at risk of malaria
When: Tuesday 23 April 2024, 13:30-15:00 (CAT)
Where: Kigali Convention Centre, Room MH4
Organiser: Medicines for Malaria Venture (MMV, Switzerland)
Plenary session
Immunology and Pathogenesis
When: Wednesday 24 April 2024, 15:30-17:00 (CAT)
Where: Kigali Convention Centre, Main Auditorium
Prof. Faith Osier, Institute of Infection, Imperial College London, UK and former EDCTP Senior Fellow, is a speaker at this event.
Panel discussion
Vaccines: on and beyond the horizon
When: Wednesday 24 April 2024, 10:30-12:00 (CAT)
Where: Kigali Convention Centre, Main Auditorium
Dr Ally Olotu, Ifakara Health Institute (IHI), Tanzania and EDCTP Senior Fellow, is a speaker at this event.
Integrating Chemoprevention Strategies to End Malaria
When: Wednesday 24 April 2024, 10:30-12:00 (CAT)
Where: Kigali Convention Centre, Room Mezzanine
Organiser: ISGlobal (Spain)
Efficacy of Pfs230D1-EPA-AS01, a Transmission Blocking Vaccine against Plasmodium falciparum malaria, assessed with a Direct Skin Feeding using Anopheles gambia (coluzzi) in children 9-18 years old in Mali
When: Wednesday 24 April 2024, 18:00-20:00 (CAT)
Where: Kigali Convention Centre, Room MH1
Organiser: Medicines for Malaria Venture (MMV, Switzerland)
High-level panel discussion
Grass mobilization, innovation and integration for malaria response
When: Thursday 25 April 2024, 16:50-17:40 (CAT)
Where: Kigali Convention Centre, Main Auditorium
Professor Marcel Tanner, High Representative, EDCTP Association will be a speaker at this event.
Accelerating the development of cabamiquine-pyronaridine for malaria chemoprevention in Africa
When: Thursday 25 April 2024, 10:30-12:00 (CAT)
Where: Kigali Convention Centre, Room AD11
Organiser: Merck (Germany)
New Evidence of Protection and Community Delivery of Intermittent Preventive Treatment of Malaria in Pregnancy
When: Friday 26 April 2024, 10:30-12:00 (CAT)
Where: Kigali Convention Centre, Room MH4
Organisers: London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM, UK), Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI, Kenya) and Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (LSTM, UK)
Transformative partnerships: investing and innovating in local and gender-balanced leadership for next-generation of African leaders in Malaria R&D
When: Friday 26 April 2024, 10:30-12:00 (CAT)
Where: Kigali Convention Centre, Room AD12
Organiser: Medicines for Malaria Venture (MMV, Switzerland) and Eberhard Karls University of Tuebingen (Germany)
Dr Thomas Nyirenda, Strategic Partnerships & Capacity Development Manager and Head of Africa Office, EDCTP Association, will speak at this event.
Grassroots Mobilization to End Malaria: Integrating the care of the young infant
When: Friday 26 April 2024, 17:00-18:30 (CAT)
Where: Kigali Convention Centre, Room MH4
Organiser: Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal, Spain)
Oral and poster presentations
See below a list of oral and posters presentations at MIM 2024 that are related to EDCTP2-funded activities.
Oral presentations
- A novel multi-stage malaria vaccine, ProC6C, elicits functional antibodies against two P. falciparum life cycle stages in Burkinabe adults
Jordan Plieskatt | EDCTP project: PfTBV
22 April 2024 | 10:30-12:00 | Scientific Session 1 | Immunology and Vaccines 1 | Room MH3 - Safety and reactogenicity of RO.6C and ProC6C, two promising transmission blocking vaccine candidates: a phase 1b clinical trial in adults living in a high burden malaria transmission setting in Burkina Faso
Ben Soulama | EDCTP project: PfTBV
22 April 2024 | 10:30-12:00 | Scientific Session 1 | Immunology and Vaccines 1 | Room MH3 - Performance of Two-step malaria RDT detecting PfHRP2/pLDH for the diagnostic of malaria in febrile children from 6 to 59 months attending the health facilities in Burkina Faso
Antonia W. Bere | EDCTP project: e-MANIC
22 April 2024 | 17:00-18:30 | Scientific Session 7 | Diagnosis and Reagent 1 | Room AD10 - 1/Matrix-M™ – Results of an efficacy trial against clinical P. falciparum malaria in 5-17 month old infants in a Phase IIb randomised trial in Burkina Faso
Angela Minassian | EDCTP project: MMVC
23 April 2024 | 13:30-15:00 | Scientific Session 9 | Immunology and Vaccines 2 | Room AUD - Genetic diversity of PfKelch13 and multiplicity of Plasmodium falciparum infections in Kedougou-2022 field studies
Alioune Wade | EDCTP project: EGSAT
24 April 2024 | 10:30-12:00 | Drug Resistance 1 | Room MH2 - First appearance of partial artemisinin resistance (pArt-R) in Senegal: tracking pArt-R from translational to fundamental science in African context
Alassane Mbengue | EDCTP project: EGSAT
24 April 2024 |10:30-12:00 | Drug Resistance 1 | Room MH2 - Increasing uptake of sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine for intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy using self-care interventions: Evidence from facility data in Suna West and Kisumu Central sub-counties, Kenya
Oscar Okoth | EDCTP project: Revive-IPTp
24 April 2024 | 15:00-18:30 | Scientific Session 23 | Malaria in Pregnancy 3 | Room MH3 - Prevalence of antimalarial resistance markers within the context of a therapeutic efficacy study in The Gambia
Eniyou Cheryll Oriero | EDCTP project: EGSAT
24 April 2024 | 10:30-12:00 | Scientific Session 14 | Drug Resistance 1 | Room MH2 - Introducing a Phase 3 of KLU156, a non-artemisinin combination, compared to Coartem® (artemether-lumefantrine) for efficacy and safety in uncomplicated P. falciparum malaria
Nekoye Otsyula | EDCTP project: WANECAM-2
24 April 2024 | 17:00-18:30 | Scientific Session 25 | Phytomedicines and Pharmacology 2 | Room AD12 - Genetic Variations in P. falciparum Invasion Ligands and their Cognate Human Receptor Variants in Malaria Cases from the Gambia
Nora Nganyewo | EDCTP project: EGSAT
25 April 2024 | 10:30-11:30 | Scientific Session 30 | Malaria Genomics 1 | Room MH4 - Results of four to five years participation in two External Proficiency Testing (EPT) programs for the evaluation of microscopic malaria and other blood parasites by the Groupe de Recherche Action en Santé (GRAS) BURKINA Faso (West Africa)
Amidou Diarra | EDCTP project: MIMVaC-Africa
25 April 2024 | 11:30-12:30 | Scientific Session 38 | Diagnosis and Reagent 2 | Room MEZ - Characterization of the molecular factors associated with the in vitro resistance of Plasmodium falciparum to imidazolopiperazine KAF156 and GNF179 in Mali
Fatoumata Maiga | EDCTP project: WANECAM-2
26 April 2024 13:30-15:00 | Scientific Session 50 | Drug Resistance 4 | Room AUD - Genetic diversity and allele frequency of Plasmodium falciparum msp1 and msp2 genes in asymptomatic carriers in Nanoro health district, Burkina Faso
Hamtandi Magloire Natama | EDCTP project: GAMETO
26 April 2024 | 15:30-17:00 | Scientific Session 57 | Malaria Genomics 3 | Room AD1 - Delayed boosting in 5-17 month old Tanzanian infants with the falciparum blood-stage malaria vaccine candidate RH5.1/Matrix-M™ induces high-level functional antibodies: a single-center, age de-escalation, Phase 1b trial
Sarah Silk | EDCTP project: MMVC
26 April 2024 | 17:00-18:00 | Scientific Session 58 | Immunology and Vaccines 4 | Room MH2 - Malaria and SARS-CoV-2 prevalence among pregnant women in two malaria-endemic settings during the omicron wave
Antía Figueroa | EDCTP project: MA-CoV
26 April 2024 | 17:00-18:00 | Room AD10
Poster presentations
- Assessment of Naturally Acquired Humoral Immunity against malaria protecting against Controlled Human Malaria Infection (CHMI)
Nouhoun Barry | EDCTP proejct: PAMAfrica - The road to developing paediatric primaquine for malaria elimination
Alphonse Ouedraogo | EDCTP project: DPP - Coverage of perennial malaria chemoprevention with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine and prevalence of malaria in young children after four years of implementation in Sierra Leone
Augustin E. Fombah | EDCTP project: MULTIPLY - RECOVERY International Collaborators Meeting Agenda Problematic of phase III antimalarial drugs clinical trials in a setting of Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention: Case of ASAAP study in Faladie, Mali
Mamadou M Tekete | EDCTP project: ASAAP - Community-directed approaches in the revitalization of sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine for intermittent preventive treatment for malaria in pregnancy: Findings from a household midline survey in Kisumu and Migori counties
Zoe Nakuya | EDCTP project: Revive-IPTp - Pattern of naturally acquired antibody responses against a panel of P. falciparum antigens in children living in an area of seasonal malaria transmission of Burkina Faso
Sem Ezinmegnon | EDCTP project: MIMVaC-Africa - Allelic diversity of merozoite surface protein gene 2 (msp2) and force of infection of Plasmodium falciparum in children living in a malaria endemic area of Burkina Faso
Emilie S. Badoum | EDCTP project: MIMVaC-Africa - An update of the epidemiological parameters of malaria in school-age children in Kolle, a rural setting, Mali
Bouran Sidibe | EDCTP project: WANECAM-2 - Impact of seasonal malaria chemoprevention on prevalence of malaria infection in northern Benin
Azizath Moussiliou | EDCTP project: ISAMIMA - Asymptomatic carriage of Plasmodium spp. among SMC eligible children and frequency of dhps- A437G and -A581G in the Kaele Health District, Far North region of Cameroon
Innocent Mbulli Ali | EDCTP project: VIBRANT - Temporal Dynamics of Plasmodium falciparum ex vivo Drug Resistance in The Gambia: A Comparison of Median IC50 Values of parasites collected in 2012 and 2022
Aminata Jawara | EDCTP project: EGSAT - Genetic Analysis of Plasmodium falciparum Apical Membrane Antigen 1 In Lagos, Nigeria
Eniafe Gabriel Opeyemi | EDCTP project: EGSAT - Enhancing equitable and sustainable research in Africa – SINDOFO, a case study of delivering an innovative clinical trial
Ghyslain Mombo-Ngoma | EDCTP project: SINDOFO - Presence of the emerging Pfdhps I431V mutation in Plasmodium falciparum isolates from children in Nanoro, Burkina Faso
Francis Bouhisosu | EDCTP project: PAMAfrica - Implementation of Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention by community platforms in Mali
Mady Sissoko | EDCTP project: OPT-SMC - Assessment of quantitative PCR for determination of drug response of Plasmodium falciparum in the absence of DNA purification
Fatoumata Bojang | EDCTP project: EGSAT - Assessing drug resistance profile and associated markers in Gambian P. falciparum clinical isolates
Ndey Fatou Drammeh | EDCTP project: EGSAT - Ex vivo antimalarial drug responses of Plasmodium falciparum clinical isolates in Accra, Ghana
Edem Adika | EDCTP project: EGSAT - Assessing the effects of dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine as malaria intermittent preventive treatment on antiretroviral drug levels in pregnant women living with HIV
Linda Stoeger | EDCTP project: MAMAH - Effect of mefloquine delivered as malaria intermittent preventive treatment in pregnancy on antiretroviral drug levels in women living with HIV in Mozambique and Kenya
Linda Stoeger | EDCTP project: MiPPAD - Spatial analysis of clinical samples in preparation for nationwide malaria genomic surveillance in The Gambia
Eniyou Cheryll Oriero | EDCTP project: EGSAT - Identification of P. falciparum antigens associated with reduced risk of malaria during pregnancy
Bernard Kanoi | EDCTP project: EndPaMal - Mortality, morbidity and development outcomes of infants born to African HIV-infected pregnant women who received malaria intermittent preventive treatment with dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine (MAMAH project)
Raquel Gonzalez | EDCTP project: MAMAH - Evolution of Plasmodium falciparum antimalarial drug resistance to antifolates in Uganda
Victor Asua | EDCTP project: PAMAfrica