EDCTP at the 7th MIM Pan African Malaria Conference (MIM 2018)
17 April 2018 | 09:00-10:25 | Symposium 14 | Meeting room 205
EDCTP session on:
Malaria in pregnancy programmes: challenges and priorities in antimalarial drug development for African pregnant women
18 April 2018 | 11:15-13:00 | Symposium 39 | Tent A
EDCTP session on:
Empowering African institutions and future malaria research leaders through capacity development and partnerships
20 April 2018 | 11:15-13:00 | Scientific Session 42 | Meeting room 202
Expanding support for ethics and regulatory capacities strengthening in sub-Saharan Africa through EU-AFRICA partnership
Session: Bio ethics and Research capacity
Presenter: Ms Nuraan Fakier, EDCTP Project Officer
EDCTP booth (#104)
Visit the booth throughout the conference to get more information about EDCTP, planned calls for proposals and to meet EDCTP staff attending MIM 2018.
Download EDCTP conference flyer (PDF)
Note: Please check the final MIM 2018 programme for possible changes.