EDCTP Association as Coordinator of Global Health EDCTP3 projects
Important Information: Admissibility & Eligibility Conditions for HORIZON-JU-GH-EDCTP3-2025 Calls
For the two CSA topics
HORIZON-JU-GH-EDCTP3-2025-03-NETWORKS-01 (two-stage) and HORIZON-JU-GH-EDCTP3-2025-02-FELLOWSHIP-01 (two-stage) calls, as outlined in the call text:
- The EDCTP Association is obligatorily part of the consortium as coordinator
- The EDCTP Association must not be counted as one of the three independent legal entities necessary to ensure the eligibility of the consortium composition.
Role of EDCTP Association as Coordinator:
During grant preparation and once the grant is awarded, the EDCTP Association will:
- Act as the intermediary for all communications between the consortium and EDCTP3. This will be done in collaboration with the Scientific Project Leader of the consortium
- Distribute payments received from the Global Health EDCTP3 Joint Undertaking to consortium beneficiaries without unjustified delay.
- Submit deliverables and reports to Global Health EDCTP3.
- Together with the Scientific Project Leader, ensure effective coordination of the funded networks.
Scientific Project Leader
Each consortium should have a Scientific Project Leader who assumes all the functions described in the GH EDCTP3 2025 work programme as follows:
- During the call for proposals and selection process, coordinate meetings on and drafting of the full project proposal.
- Work with the EDCTP Association and other beneficiaries on the drafting and negotiation of the consortium agreement and other legal agreements among the beneficiaries.
- Act as the key contact point for the Global Health EDCTP3 JU regarding all scientific action governance issues, steer and provide oversight in the development of the scientific actions, without prejudice to the tasks entrusted directly to the EDCTP Association as per the Model Grant Agreement.
- If the consortium is successful in its grant application, support and collaborate with the EDCTP Association on its monitoring activities and the adoption of appropriate internal measures, to ensure that beneficiaries are fulfilling their obligations regarding budget, timeline, deliverables, and scientific quality.
- Review the action’s deliverables and reports before their submission by the EDCTP Association.
- Lead the work packages(s) related to the tasks of scientific project leadership.
Global collaborative action for strengthening the Regional Networks of Excellence and Epidemic Preparedness Consortia (HORIZON-JU-GH-EDCTP3-2025-03-two-stage)
Procedures during the proposal preparation phase
The EDCTP Association will be involved from the first stage of the HORIZON-JU-GH-EDCTP3-2025-03-NETWORKS-01 (two-stage) call
Steps towards submission of proposals to NETWORKS-01 call:
- Inform the EDCTP Association
- Scientific Project Leader to inform EDCTP Association by sending an email to csacoordinator@edctp.org to notify of intention to submit a proposal
- Include the acronym of consortium and NETWORKS-01 call in the subject line of the email
- Provide the following information on the proposed consortium members
- Legal entity name and PIC number
- Country of legal entity
- Name and email of the consortium members representing the legal entities in the proposal (one person/legal entity only)
- EDCTP Association will acknowledge receipt of your email and start preparing the proposal submission
- EDCTP Association will contact you directly to agree on the next steps
- Consortia to provide finalised proposals to EDCTP Association by 17:00 CET on Monday 17 March 2025
- EDCTP Association will check that the proposal complies with the admissibility and eligibility requirements of the call
- EDCTP Association will submit the eligible and admissible proposals by the call deadline of 20 March 2025.
The EDCTP Association will not be held responsible for incomplete proposals or proposals submitted late.
Partner search – entities interested in responding to the HORIZON-JU-GH-EDCTP3-2025-03-NETWORKS-01 (two-stage) call:
We encourage all applicants to include a broad range of partners in their consortium. The following organisations have expressed interest in collaborating in this specific call:
- International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB)
- Allyfe Health
- Gates Foundation
- Center For the AIDS Programme of Research in South Africa (CAPRISA)
- Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)
- The Global Health Network (TGHN)
- Malawi University of Science and Technology (MUST)
- Central Africa Clinical Research Network (CANTAM)
- East African Consortium for Clinical Research (EACCR)
- West African Network for Tuberculosis, AIDS and Malaria (WANETAM)
- Trials of Excellence in Southern Africa (TESA)
This list will be updated by the EDCTP Association periodically when it receives expressions of interest from organisations wanting to participate in networks.
Disclaimer: This list is provided for information only. It is the responsibility of the applicants to determine the composition of their consortium and the partners they wish to collaborate with.
Global Health EDCTP3 JU and contributing partners funded Strategic Training Hubs for Fellowships in Public Health covering Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Modelling
For applicants planning to submit a first-stage proposal to the HORIZON-JU-GH-EDCTP3-2025-02-FELLOWSHIP-01 call
- Please inform the EDCTP Association once you have submitted your first-stage application
- Scientific Project Leader to send email to csacoordinator@edctp.org
- Include the acronym of consortium and FELLOWSHIP-01 call in the subject line of the email
- Provide a copy of the submitted proposal
- EDCTP Association will acknowledge receipt
- Preparations will begin once the first stage evaluation results are known.
More information
Information session
An online information session, including guidance on Lump Sum Funding, will take place on Monday 10 March 2025 from 14:00 to 16:00 CET. Details on how to register will be added shortly.
Frequently asked questions
EDCTP Association will respond to questions related to these two calls and will publish the question and the Association’s response on its website. All enquiries will be anonymised before publication. The EDCTP Association will not respond to questions about other calls for proposals.
Contact Information
For coordination-related queries or potential partnerships, please contact the EDCTP Association via csacoordinator@edctp.org.
Data privacy statement
The EDCTP Association (EDCTP) is committed to protecting and respecting the privacy of applicants and beneficiaries.
The data that you provide to EDCTP during proposal preparation for the Global Health EDCTP3 calls for proposals are collected to allow EDCTP (the controller) to submit your proposal; to act as the project coordinator, if your proposal is successful; and to fulfil its obligations towards its funders.
For more information, please refer to the EDCTP Association Privacy Policy and the EDCTP Association Privacy Statement on Grants Management.