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General Assembly of the EDCTP Association

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Governing body The principal responsibility of the General Assembly is to ensure that all necessary activities are undertaken to achieve the statutory objectives of EDCTP…

Tenders and contracts

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Currently, there are no open tenders.  


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EDCTP has produced several videos presenting selected funded activities in sub-Saharan Africa, as well as videos highlighting events organised by EDCTP. Move videos are available…

News and events

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News on activities led by the Africa Office as well as events with the participation of the Africa Office staff.

Diagnostic test Xpert MTB/RIF proven fast and effective in low-resource settings

Type: News

The Lancet published a significant development for TB diagnostics yesterday with concrete and encouraging study outcomes on the effectiveness of the new Xpert MTB/RIF test…

News & resources

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Recent news

Mobilisation of funding for COVID-19 research in sub-Saharan Africa – 2020

Type: Call

Call identifier: RIA2020EF Maximum funding: €500,000 Expected number of grants: 5-10 Call budget may increase depending on the response of the EDCTP member states by 17 April 2020.…

EDCTP and Africa CDC EPI-Biostat Fellows

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EDCTP and the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) have partnered to train 151 epidemiologists and biostatisticians across Africa. This highly anticipated…

Call for nominations EDCTP prizes 2023

Type: News

Every two years, EDCTP awards four prestigious international prizes to recognise the achievements of outstanding researchers and research teams from sub-Saharan Africa and Europe. A…

Guidance and templates

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The aim of this clinical trial protocol is to provide guidance for TB vaccine clinical trial design and to establish a repository of clinical trial…

EDCTP Africa Office

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Strengthening global cooperation and institutional capacities in sub-Saharan Africa to facilitate implementation of the GH EDCTP3 programme

World TB Day 2022: EDCTP invests to End TB

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On this year’s World TB Day, EDCTP joins the global health community in a call to urgently raise investments to achieve the commitments to end…

World NTD Day 2022 – EDCTP remains 100% committed to ending neglected tropical diseases

Type: News

In another year of changes in the funding landscape, EDCTP has stayed 100% committed to ending neglected infectious diseases. Global investment into research and development…

World TB Day: the promise of ending the TB epidemic

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World TB Day puts the spotlight on tuberculosis (TB), a poverty-related infectious disease of epidemic proportions. Currently, it causes more deaths than any other infectious…

Success stories

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EDCTP Success stories 2003-2018 Tackling infectious disease in sub-Saharan Africa: EDCTP-funded clinical studies for medical interventions 2003-2018 Overview of selected EDCTP-funded clinical studies for medical…

A suitcase-sized laboratory for rapid detection of SARS-COV-2 in Africa

Type: News

The PCR test is the most accurate tool to identify SARS-CoV-2, the virus causing COVID-19. However, valid results are often available only after days. Moreover,…

Total EDCTP investment in TB research & development rises to € 228 million

Type: News

On World TB Day 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic is a stark reminder of the global impact and burden of infectious diseases on individual and public…


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EDCTP steers to achieve a balanced project portfolio across the programme’s scope of disease areas: HIV & HIV-associated infections, tuberculosis, malaria, neglected infectious diseases, diarrhoeal…

World Tuberculosis Day 2014: Reaching the missing 3 million

Type: News

The necessity for new and improved diagnostics for TB, as well as the need to evaluate the implementation of diagnostics in real-life settings was emphasised…

Mobilisation of funding for COVID-19 research in sub-Saharan Africa – 2020

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The EDCTP “Emergency Funding Mechanism” allows rapid mobilisation of research funding based on a call for expressions of interest in exceptional and duly substantiated emergencies. On…

Members of the Board

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Board members are selected from amongst the General Assembly representatives and their deputies and are appointed by the General Assembly with a tenure of two…

Africa Office – the team

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The Africa Office team is responsible for implementing the activities of the Global Health EDCTP3 grant.

Members of the General Assembly

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The voting members of the General Assembly are the countries participating in the EDCTP Association. The African Union, the European Union and the World Health…

Home PT

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Career Development Fellowships in poverty-related diseases and child and adolescent health – 2020

Type: Call

Expected number of grants: 16-25 Call identifier: TMA2020CDF Project Officer: Michelle Helinski, contact via

International Women’s Day 2024: Investing in women to accelerate progress

Type: News

This year on International Women’s Day, EDCTP joins the global health community in celebrating diversity and empowerment and underscores its commitment to investing in women…

World AIDS Day 2017: EDCTP invests in clinical research to support health for all

Type: News

Significant gains have been made in tackling the HIV epidemic: deaths from AIDS-related causes declined by 48% between 2005 and 2016, with the sharpest decline…

Events test

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EDCTP contribution to epidemic preparedness: consortia ALERRT and PANDORA-ID-NET

Type: News

At the 1st International Conference on (Re-)Emerging Infectious Diseases(ICREID) which took place in Addis Ababa on 12-14 March 2018, a symposium was dedicated to two…

G7 Ministers of Science Commit to Fight Neglected and Poverty-Related Diseases

Type: News

On 8 and 9 October 2015, the G7 Ministers of Science met in Berlin, Germany to discuss coordination of research efforts regarding global issues of…