EDCTP workshop with pharmaceutical companies: report available online

03 September 2012

Today EDCTP published the report of the EDCTP Pharmaceutical Industry Workshop. The one-day meeting workshop held in The Hague on 26 June 2012 was part of a broader EDCTP effort to foster cooperation of public and private partners for clinical research on poverty-related and neglected infectious diseases. The aim was to move towards defining a framework for extended collaboration with industry in the second EDCTP programme.

Download the report (PDF)

The workshop was well attended with representation from Boehringer-Ingelheim, Bayer, Emergent Biosolutions, GlaxoSmithKline, Johnson & Johnson, Medicines Patent Pool, Merck, Quintiles, the Sabin Vaccine Institute and Sanofi, as well as from EFPIA (European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations). It was co-chaired by Dr Line Matthiessen (Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, European Commission) and Professor Simon Croft (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine).

At the workshop participants heard a review of EDCTP’s achievements to date and what it could offer in a partnership with industry, including African co-ownership of projects; clinical trials networks that are compliant with good clinical practice (GCP); continuing capacity building in personnel, infrastructure, ethics review and regulatory affairs; and leverage of resources with other partners.

Following the introductory presentations, a far ranging and frank discussion took place; much of it centring on participants’ unanimously held view that expanded EDCTP-industry collaboration would have mutual benefits. Other discussions were on how to address some of the challenges that increased collaboration would generate – in particular, issues around intellectual property rights, data sharing and the difficulties in bringing effective drugs to market.