Treatment innovations for poverty-related diseases – 2017
This Call for proposals provides funding for the clinical evaluation and development of new and innovative drug candidates for HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis, diarrhoeal infections or lower respiratory infections, including co-infections.
Call identifier: RIA2017T
See the corresponding call for proposals
Novel clinical candidates to kill TB
GlaxoSmithKline Investigación y Desarrollo S.L. (GSK I&D), Madrid, Spain, with partners from Germany and South Africa
Project coordinator: Dr David A. Barros (GSK I&D, Spain)
Starting date: 1 October 2019
Duration: 60 months
EDCTP grant amount: EUR 6,850,000
Grant agreement: RIA2017T-2030
Intensified tuberculosis treatment to reduce high mortality of tuberculous meningitis in HIV-infected and uninfected patients
Université de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France, with partners from Côte d’Ivoire, France, Madagascar, South Africa, Spain, and Switzerland
Project coordinator: Prof. Fabrice Bonnet (University of Bordeaux, France)
Starting date: 1 January 2019
Duration: 60 months
EDCTP grant amount: EUR 9,255,810
Grant agreement: RIA2017T-2019
Project website
Phase II multicenter clinical trial of a ferroquine + MMV253 short regimen for the treatment of malaria
Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany with partners from Burkina Faso, Gabon, Kenya, Mozambique, Spain, and Switzerland
Project coordinator: Dr Jana Held (Universität Tübingen)
Starting date: 01 January 2021
Duration: 54 months
EDCTP grant amount: EUR 9,800,339
Grant agreement: RIA2017T-2015
Preventing TB relapse and chronic lung disease: a proof-of-concept, double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial to evaluate the safety and efficacy of statin therapy to reduce inflammation after TB treatment completion in HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected adults measured by FDG-PET/CT
University of Cape Town (UCT), Cape Town, South Africa, with partners from Germany, Namibia, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom
Project coordinator: Dr Reto Guler (UCT, South Africa)
Starting date: 01 January 2019
Duration: 48 months
EDCTP grant amount: EUR 4,945,770
Grant agreement: RIA2017T-2004
StatinTB project website
A phase II and III clinical trial programme to assess safety, efficacy and transmission-blocking properties of the new antimalarial KAF156 combined with a new formulation of lumefantrine in children and adults with uncomplicated Plasmodium sp. malaria in West and Central Africa
Université des Sciences, des Techniques et des Technologies de Bamako (USTTB), Bamako, Mali, with partners from Burkina Faso, France, Gabon, Germany, the Netherlands, Niger, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom
Project coordinator: Prof. Abdoulaye Djimdé (USTTB, Mali)
Starting date: 01 March 2019
Duration: 60 months
EDCTP grant amount: EUR 10,000,000
Grant agreement: RIA2017T-2018
Project website