Symposium: The Malaria in Mother and Babies (MiMBa) Initiative: innovative R&D tools to better serve pregnant and lactating women at risk of malaria
When: Tuesday 23 April 2024, 13:30-15:00 (CAT)
Where: Kigali Convention Centre, Room MH4
Organiser: Medicines for Malaria Venture (MMV, Switzerland)
Pregnant and lactating women are underserved by currently available curative and preventive antimalarial options due to the historical reluctance to include them in clinical trials. Malaria will only be eliminated if appropriate antimalarials are made available for all populations. Therefore, MMV launched the Malaria in Mothers and Babies (MiMBa) program dedicated to women who are of reproductive potential, pregnant, or breastfeeding, and their newborns at risk of malaria.
This symposium will present innovative R&D practices and tools aiming to close the data, time, and medicines gap for women.
EDCTP project(s) highlighted
- PYRAPREG (funded by the EDCTP2 programme)
- SAFIRE (funded by the Global Health EDCTP3 programme)
- Myriam El Gaaloul, MMV (Switzerland)
- Maud Majeres Lugand, MMV (Switzerland)
Introduction: Validation and routine use of innovative tools for antimalarials
Brice Campo, MMV (Switzerland)
PYRAPREG: Efficacy, safety and PK of artemisinin-based combinations for the treatment of uncomplicated malaria in African pregnant women
Kassoum Kayentao, University of Science, Techniques and Technologies of Bamako (USTTB, Mali)
MiMBa Pregnancy Registry, an active approach where women of childbearing age are invited to take part in the study before they are pregnant, to identify pregnancies as early as possible
Stéphanie Dellicour, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (United Kingdom)
First Interventional Adaptive Platform Clinical Trial evaluating the safety, efficacy and PK of antimalarials in early pregnancy
Hellen Barsosio, Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI, Kenya)
Panel discussion:
Moderator: Wiweka Kaszubska, MMV (Switzerland)
- Recruitment of pregnant women in clinical trials
Maud Majeres, MMV (Switzerland) - Regulatory environment & perspectives
Adela Ashie, Food and Drugs Authority (Ghana) - WHO Treatment guidelines update in the first trimester of pregnancy: policymaker’s perspective
Dorothy Achu, World Health Organisation Africa Regional Office