Symposium: Partnerships for implementation research to optimise the impact of Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention in West and Central Africa
When: Tuesday 23 April 2024, 10:30-12:00 (CAT)
Where: Kigali Convention Centre, Room AD11
Organiser: University of Thies (Senegal)
This symposium will discuss experiences of building a regional partnership with national malaria programmes for implementation research on seasonal malaria chemoprevention (SMC) supported by the EDCTP. The team will highlight results from projects in Cameroon, Burkina Faso, Niger, Mali and Senegal, review lessons learned, and discuss priorities for operational research on the control of seasonal malaria. The symposium will include results in partnership with IMPACT-SMC, a project coordinated by MMV and funded by the Global Disease Eradication Fund from KOICA.
EDCTP project(s) highlighted
- Jean Louis Ndiaye, Université de Thiès (Senegal)
- Corinne Merle, WHO TDR
Jean Louis Ndiaye, Université de Thiès (Senegal)
Strategies to promote adherence, and to improve coverage in hard-to-reach populations: experiences from Mali, Cameroon, Burkina Faso and Guinea
TBC, National Program for the Fight Against Malaria (PNLP, Cameroon)
Optimizing the impact of SMC in Senegal: choosing the optimal number and timing of cycles, and when to stop SMC
TBC, National Program for the Fight Against Malaria (PNLP, Senegal)
Cost-effectiveness of SMC and incremental cost-effectiveness of a 5th cycle in Niger, Mali and Guinea
Halimatou Diawara, Malaria Research and Training Centre, University of Science Techniques and Technologies of Bamako, (Mali)
Partnerships for implementation research
Fatimata Bintou Sall, Université de Thies (Senegal)
Panel and audience discussion