The 3rd CPHIA (International Conference on Public Health in Africa) took place from 27-30 November 2023 in Lusaka, Zambia. The conference offers a distinctive platform led by Africans for leaders throughout the continent to review insights gained in health and science. It serves as an opportunity to converge on a collective path forward to enhance the resilience of health systems.
Dr Thomas Nyirenda, Strategic Partnerships & Capacity Development Manager and Head of the Africa Office, and Ms Michelle Nderu, Project Officer, represented EDCTP and spoke at and chaired several sessions at the conference.
A side session organised by the Global Health EDCTP3 ‘Accelerating research in Africa to tackle infectious diseases’ explored ideas on how to enable the acceleration of research and innovation in infectious diseases across sub-Saharan Africa. The session was chaired by Dr Jean Marie Vianney Habarugira, Senior Scientific Officer, Global Health EDCTP3, and Dr Thomas Nyirenda, and featured a panel composed of clinical research experts and health research funders.
Additionally, Ms Uchenne Ebenezar, a TALENT PhD fellow and a health economist, presented two posters on the impact of COVID-19 on health financing mechanisms and the effect of COVID-19 on social health insurance schemes in resource-limited settings and the implications for future pandemic situations.