UK All-Party Parliamentary Group on Global Health hosted meeting on value of EDCTP
The meeting on EDCTP as ‘African-European partnership for global health benefit’ took place on 27 February 2017 at the Houses of Parliament in London, United Kingdom. It was hosted by Dr Daniel Poulter MP of the UK All-Party Parliamentary Group on Global Health.
The development of paediatric fixed-dose combination therapy for HIV-infected children in two EDCTP-funded trials, CHAPAS-1 and CHAPAS-3, was presented as a case study of the impact of the programme. CHAPAS-1 resulted in the first paediatric antiretroviral formula which was rolled out on a large scale. CHAPAS-3 developed paediatric formulas for a new generation of antiretrovirals. Dr Veronica Mulenga, paediatrician at the University Teaching Hospital in Lusaka, Zambia and Professor Diana Gibb, programme Leader of the Paediatric Programme of trials and cohorts at the MRC Clinical Trials Unit at University College London, United Kingdom presented these trials.
A short video showed how this EDCTP collaborative research had a direct impact on patient health and future possibilities of a small boy from Malawi.
(Video credit: produced by Picturing Health and supported by the Medical Research Council – Clinical Trials Unit)
A panel comprising Dr Leonardo Simão (EDCTP High Representative for Africa), Professor Marcel Tanner (EDCTP High Representative for Europe), Dr Cissy Kityo, (Deputy Executive Director of the Joint Clinical Research Centre, Uganda), Dr Line Matthiessen (Acting Director for Health Research in the Directorate General Research & Innovation at the European Commission) and Sir Brian Greenwood (Professor of Clinical Tropical Medicine at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine) discussed the value of EDCTP in generating new evidence on medical interventions against poverty-related diseases.

More than 100 participants attended the meeting, including members of the UK Parliament, representatives of UK-based funders, UK researchers, NGOs, private foundations, and participants from the private sector.
More information
- Meeting summary (PDF)
- Fact sheet: HIV treatment for children: the EDCTP-funded CHAPAS trials (PDF)
- Factsheet on UK participation in EDCTP (PDF)
- Meeting agenda (PDF)
- Information on the APPG Global Health
* Update 2 March 2017: correction of the number of participants.
* Update 30 March 2017: addition of the Factsheet on UK participation in EDCTP and the Meeting summary.
* Update 3 April 2017: Meeting summary updated regarding the contribution of Dr Line Matthiessen.