Directory of TB vaccine clinical trial sites in sub-Saharan Africa
This directory provides a comprehensive overview of trial sites and their capacity to conduct studies on TB vaccines in sub-Saharan Africa. The directory contains information on site geography, clinical trial capacity, diagnostic capacity, research capacity, demographics, and other relevant areas.
Map: Directory of TB vaccine clinical trial sites in sub-Saharan Africa
Visit the map overview to access the information of the clinical trial sites in sub-Saharan Africa. The data of the trial sites as well as the directory dictionary are also available for download to provide guidance on site identification and selection.
With approximately 14 vaccine candidates for tuberculosis (TB) in the pipeline, there is a need for an overview of clinical trial sites and their capacity. EDCTP commissioned the TuBerculosis Vaccine Initiative (TBVI) in 2019 to develop a directory of clinical trial sites suitable for future TB vaccine studies. The aim of this assessment was to develop a directory of clinical trial sites in sub-Saharan Africa and their capacity to perform clinical trials for TB vaccine candidates, with a focus on high incidence settings. TBVI teamed up with the KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation to perform this task.
Information was collected through literature and existing databases to identify clinical trial sites in sub-Saharan Africa. The data was selected and cross-checked from the following websites: i) Clinical ; ii) Sitefinder; iii) Globalhealthtrials; iv) Centerwatch; v) AAS trial sites, and vi: AGT network. In addition, sites were included based on personnel interactions with experts in the field. Clinical trial site representatives were invited by email to complete an online survey. Responses were gathered during August and September of 2020.
For questions about this directory please contact info[at]
Pelzer PT, Holleman M, Helinski MEH, Weinberg AL, Buis J, et al. The TB vaccine clinical trial centre directory: An inventory of clinical trial centres in Sub-Saharan Africa. PLOS ONE. 2024; 19(10): e0292981.