
17 October 2019

Annual Report 2018 – a strong portfolio halfway EDCTP2

EDCTP published its Annual Report 2018 – 15th anniversary of the EDCTP programme in a new digital format. The report gives a quick overview of…

04 October 2019

EDCTP invests €18 million in evaluation of candidate malaria vaccine portfolio

EDCTP awarded a grant of EUR 18 million to an international consortium to evaluate a portfolio of three innovative candidate malaria vaccines that aim to…

21 August 2019

Invitation to apply for membership of the EDCTP Audit Committee

The European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP) invites suitable candidates to apply for membership of its Audit Committee. EDCTP is a public-public partnership…

14 August 2019

EC invites feedback on next EDCTP programme

The European Commission seeks feedback from citizens and stakeholders on its outline for an EDCTP successor programme. This is one of the early steps in…

19 July 2019

African High Commissioners and Ambassadors in Pretoria met EDCTP

African High Commissioners and Ambassadors from 28 countries accredited to South Africa met with EDCTP in Pretoria on 11 July 2019. The meeting was hosted…

12 July 2019

Director-General Jean-Eric Paquet visits EDCTP-funded CHAPS adolescent study in Cape Town

On 8 July 2019, the European Commission Director-General for Research and Innovation, Jean-Eric Paquet, visited the Emavulandleni Research Centre in Cape Town, South Africa together…

17 June 2019

ASAAP paediatric malaria treatment study kicks off in Ghana

The ASAAP project – a multi-country, multi-site clinical study to evaluate a new malaria triple therapy for children – has its kick-off meeting today in…

25 April 2019

EDCTP malaria portfolio: large investments in treatment and vaccines

The World Malaria Report 2018 states that after an unprecedented period of success in global malaria control, progress has stalled. Data from 2015–2017 show no…

15 April 2019

WANECAM consortium kicks off clinical study for next-generation antimalarial drug

The West African Network for Clinical Trials of Antimalarial Drugs (WANECAM), a consortium of ten academic organisations in Africa and Europe, starts off the ‘WANECAM…

22 March 2019

World TB Day: EDCTP investments in TB research rise to EUR 127 million

World Tuberculosis Day on 24 March 2019 is themed ‘It’s time’. As the World Health Organisation (WHO) explains, the theme underlines “the urgency to act”…

13 March 2019

ASAAP clinical study of malaria treatment for children has started

A large clinical study evaluating a triple plus combination of antimalarials for children has started in Ghana. The study is coordinated by Dr. Oumou Maiga-Ascofare…

31 January 2019

EDCTP is looking for a temporary Administrative Officer (The Hague)

EDCTP  is looking for an Administrative Officer to be based at the EDCTP Office in The Hague. The Administrative Officer, under the supervision of the…

21 December 2018

Report on the Lisbon meeting for the next EDCTP programme published

EDCTP organised a high-level meeting on the character, scope and shape of its next programme in Lisbon, Portugal, on 17 September 2018. Approximately 100 participants…

30 November 2018

World AIDS Day 2018: Supporting R&D partnerships to tackle HIV

World AIDS Day 2018 marks its 30th anniversary. Significant progress has been made in the fight against the disease during these three decades. However, the…

26 November 2018

National health research systems in Africa: developing a collaborative approach

EDCTP published the report on the EDCTP high-level meeting Engaging African governments to strengthen national health research systems with complementary international cooperation. The meeting took…