
24 March 2022

Single dose of liposomal amphotericin B as effective in treating HIV-associated cryptococcal meningitis as current standard of care

An EDCTP-funded phase III trial of the AMBITION-cm research team confirms that an alternative formulation of amphotericin B, delivered in tiny lipid-based packages (liposomes), would…

24 March 2022

World TB Day 2022: EDCTP invests to End TB

On this year’s World TB Day, EDCTP joins the global health community in a call to urgently raise investments to achieve the commitments to end…

08 March 2022

International Women’s Day 2022: EDCTP efforts to break the bias in health research

On this year’s International Women’s Day, EDCTP joins the global health community in celebrating women’s achievements, raising awareness against bias, and taking action for equality.…

25 February 2022

5FC HIV-Crypto consortium starts trial on improved treatment of cryptococcal meningitis in advanced HIV disease

A consortium of leading scientists and institutions in Africa and Europe, the 5FC HIV-Crypto consortium, has launched a project that aims to deliver an improved…

17 February 2022

EDCTP joins Europe PubMed Central

EDCTP has become a member of Europe PMC (PubMed Central), an open science platform that maintains a worldwide collection of scientific articles and research outputs.…

30 January 2022

World NTD Day 2022 – EDCTP remains 100% committed to ending neglected tropical diseases

In another year of changes in the funding landscape, EDCTP has stayed 100% committed to ending neglected infectious diseases. Global investment into research and development…

20 January 2022

Call for expression of interest for Global Health EDCTP3 Joint Undertaking scientific committee

The Global Health EDCTP3 Joint Undertaking (GH EDCTP3 JU) has now opened a call for expression of interest for the selection of the members of…

18 January 2022

EDCTP mourns the loss of Dr Ricardo Pereira

On 11 January 2022, our dear colleague Dr Ricardo Pereira, Science Officer at the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and EDCTP General Assembly…

20 December 2021

2021 End of Year Message from Dr Michael Makanga, EDCTP Executive Director

Dear Colleagues, Partners and Friends,   Akin to 2020, this year has remained very challenging due to the protracted negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.…

01 December 2021

World AIDS Day 2021: tackling inequalities

The COVID-19 pandemic is exposing inequalities ever more clearly. The burden of these inequalities is culminating in increasing magnitude of vulnerable populations, undermining the wellbeing…

19 November 2021

Legal basis for Global Health EDCTP3 Joint Undertaking adopted

The European Commission today announced the adoption of 10 European Partnerships set up between the European Union, Member States and/or the industry, including the Global Health…

16 November 2021

Completion of Phase III trial paediatric schistosomiasis drug arpraziquantel

Today, the Pediatric Praziquantel Consortium, a public-private partnership dedicated to the development of arpraziquantel, a new pediatric medication to treat schistosomiasis in preschool-aged children, announced…

02 November 2021

EDCTP at COVID CIRCLE online event

EDCTP is taking part in a panel discussion during the virtual event ‘What have we learned from funding COVID-19 research across the globe’ co-hosted by…

02 November 2021

EDCTP Prizes 2020 awarded at the Tenth EDCTP Forum

EDCTP awarded its prizes for research excellence and the Pascoal Mocumbi Prize at the Tenth EDCTP Forum that was held from 17-21 October 2021 from…

18 October 2021

The Tenth EDCTP Forum has started

The Tenth EDCTP Forum has started. This will be our first hybrid Forum, with many of the sessions taking place online and some taking place…