
20 February 2013

‘Post-registration medicinal products monitoring in sub-Saharan Africa’: meeting report published

Today the European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP) published the report of the meeting on ‘Post-Registration Medicinal Products Safety Monitoring in sub-Saharan Africa’.…

24 January 2013

EDCTP and EFPIA sign memorandum of understanding on a Clinical Research Fellowship Scheme for sub-Saharan Africa

Today, the European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP) and the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations have signed a memorandum of understanding…

30 November 2012

World AIDS Day 2012: Sharing responsibility to keep the promise

The world has promised to stop AIDS by 2015. There is remarkable progress in the reduction of rate of new HIV infections across many countries…

26 November 2012

Finland intends to join EDCTP

Finland has recently indicated that it will join EDCTP2, the second phase of the EDCTP programme. Finland currently has observer status in the EDCTP General…

02 November 2012

High-Level Conference in Cape Town: African and European policy-makers to discuss EDCTP2

African and European policy-makers and other stakeholders will meet at the Cape Town International Convention Centre on Monday 5 November for a high-level conference to…

16 October 2012

Bibliometric analysis of European and African research output within the scope of EDCTP2

EDCTP published a ‘Call for Tender for Bibliometric Analysis’ on 11 October 2012. The objective of this analysis is to quantify research output of European…

05 October 2012

Recruitment completed for clinical trial evaluating parenteral artesunate regimen for children with severe malaria

The Severe Malaria in African Children network (SMAC) completed enrolment of patients for the phase III artesunate follow-up study led by Prof. Kremsner (University of…

27 September 2012

Charting research: opportunities for collaborative research on poverty-related and neglected infectious diseases

Today, the European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP) published a report focusing on research in poverty-related and neglected infectious diseases in the current…

03 September 2012

EDCTP workshop with pharmaceutical companies: report available online

Today EDCTP published the report of the EDCTP Pharmaceutical Industry Workshop. The one-day meeting workshop held in The Hague on 26 June 2012 was part…

06 August 2012

EDCTP Annual Report 2011 available online

The EDCTP Annual Report 2011 is now available on the EDCTP website. The theme for the report isConsolidation. This is pertinent since in 2011 EDCTP…

09 July 2012

Mali study shows no evidence of delayed parasite clearance after oral artesunate treatment of malaria

The American Journal of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene published an article based on research conducted as part of the EDCTP-funded WANECAM clinical trial, led by…

28 June 2012

New members appointed to governance bodies of EDCTP

The EDCTP General Assembly formally approved the appointment of new members to the DCCC and the Partnership Board. The Developing Countries Coordinating Committee (DCCC), EDCTP’s…

19 June 2012

Forthcoming EDCTP workshop with pharmaceutical companies: participants and agenda

The European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP) is finalising the preparations for its workshop with pharmaceutical companies in The Hague on 26 June…

06 June 2012

Support from product development and like-minded partners for second phase of EDCTP programme

Recently, a broad range of advocacy, research and funding organisations as well as Product Development Partnerships have publicly expressed their support for a second EDCTP…

23 May 2012

Journal of Tropical Medicine & International Health publishes selected abstracts from Sixth EDCTP Forum

The Journal of Tropical Medicine & International Health published selected peer reviewed abstracts from the Sixth EDCTP Forum on 21 May 2012. The title of…