PanACEA MAMS-TB-01 trial: ‘high-dose rifampicin may help shorten TB treatment’
The MAMS-TB-01 trial enrolled 365 patients from 7 sites in Tanzania and South Africa in only 11 months. It is the first of several TB…
Calls for Proposals: ‘Strategic projects with major cofunding’ and ‘Improved treatment and clinical management of poverty-related diseases’
Today, EDCTP published two new calls for proposals under its second programme. The call Strategic projects with major cofunding aims to provide cofunding to strategically…
EC Commissioner Carlos Moedas and Gulbenkian Foundation sign collaboration memorandum
This coincides with the prepublication today of an EDCTP 2015 Call for proposals aimed at strengthening the ethics and regulatory capacity in sub-Saharan Africa. This call will be a…
Preannouncement of 2015 Calls for Proposals
The purpose of this forthcoming call for proposals is to provide funding to projects that aim to evaluate new or significantly improved drugs or drug…
Call for proposals – Maximising the impact of EDCTP research: translation of research results into policy and practice
Go directly to Call text
New Call for Proposals: Diagnostic tools for poverty-related diseases
The purpose of this call is to invest in projects aiming to validate the clinical performance and/or implementation of new or improved diagnostic tools and…
New EDCTP programme celebrated in Cape Town, South Africa on 2 December 2014
A high-level event in Cape Town, South Africa will mark the launch of the second programme of the European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership…
New EDCTP programme celebrated in Cape Town, South Africa on 2 December 2014
The meeting will offer a full day of reflection and discussion on overarching topics regarding the new programme. Opening addresses will be delivered by: Naledi…
World Aids Day 2014: second EDCTP programme starts December 2, 2014
EDCTP2 will be inaugurated tomorrow at a high-level meeting in Cape Town, South Africa. It will bring together public and private funders, the pharmaceutical industry…
Forum Proceedings and Forum video published
The Proceedings of the Seventh EDCTP Forum, held in Berlin, Germany from 30 June to 2 July 2014, are published on the EDCTP website today.…
Scholarships for MSc programma in vaccinology in Siena, Italy
The University of Siena Medical School, Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics, Novartis Vaccines Institute for Global Health (NVGH), and the ADITEC (Advanced Immunization Technologies) programme invite…
EDCTP and TDR offer first joint Clinical R&D Fellowships
A total of 25 fellowships is available for this call; 20 product development organisations have offered to host fellows. The host organisations will train individuals…
New drug combination could improve adherence to tuberculosis treatment
A novel combination of the drugs rifapentine and moxifloxacin can reduce the number of tablets to be taken by patients from 360 to 140 (administered…
Mefloquine not recommended as alternative drug for malaria prevention treatment in pregnancy
The results of two large randomised controlled trials conducted in Africa that tested mefloquine, a drug for malaria prevention in HIV-negative and HIV-positive pregnant women,…
Proceedings of the EDCTP stakeholder meeting on capacity development published
The European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP) has published its report of the Stakeholder meeting on capacity development today. The meeting was held…