
10 August 2015

EDCTP Annual Report 2014 available online

The online summary EDCTP Annual Report 2014 “Starting EDCTP2” is now available on the website. It offers an updated overview of all EDCTP projects of…

14 July 2015

Dr Michael Makanga designated as next EDCTP Executive Director

During its last meeting, the General Assembly of the European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP) selected Dr Michael Makanga to succeed Professor Charles…

24 April 2015

World Malaria Day 2015: funding research to close the gaps

According to the WHO World Malaria Report 2014, 198 million cases of malaria occurred globally in 2013 and the disease led to 584,000 deaths. The…

24 March 2015

World Tuberculosis Day 2015

In May 2014, at the World Health Assembly, governments agreed on an ambitious new 20-year (2016-2035) strategy to end the global TB epidemic. According to…

19 March 2015

New funding to increase capacity for Ebola outbreak research

Strengthening sub-Saharan African research capacity during infectious disease emergency outbreaks

10 March 2015

EDCTP-funded project REMSTART finds new approach to HIV management to have reduced deaths by 28 per cent

Researchers from the REMSTART team – led by Dr Saidi Egwaga of the Tanzanian Ministry of Health and Social Welfare and Shabbar Jaffar, Professor of…

04 March 2015

EDCTP2 work plan for 2014 now available online

The first annual work plan of the second programme of the European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP2) describes activities under EDCTP2 launched in…

26 February 2015

PanACEA MAMS-TB-01 trial: ‘high-dose rifampicin may help shorten TB treatment’

The MAMS-TB-01 trial enrolled 365 patients from 7 sites in Tanzania and South Africa in only 11 months. It is the first of several TB…

28 January 2015

Calls for Proposals: ‘Strategic projects with major cofunding’ and ‘Improved treatment and clinical management of poverty-related diseases’

Today, EDCTP published two new calls for proposals under its second programme. The call Strategic projects with major cofunding aims to provide cofunding to strategically…

19 December 2014

EC Commissioner Carlos Moedas and Gulbenkian Foundation sign collaboration memorandum

This coincides with the prepublication today of an EDCTP 2015 Call for proposals aimed at strengthening the ethics and regulatory capacity in sub-Saharan Africa. This call will be a…

19 December 2014

Preannouncement of 2015 Calls for Proposals

The purpose of this forthcoming call for proposals is to provide funding to projects that aim to evaluate new or significantly improved drugs or drug…

02 December 2014

New Call for Proposals: Diagnostic tools for poverty-related diseases

The purpose of this call is to invest in projects aiming to validate the clinical performance and/or implementation of new or improved diagnostic tools and…

02 December 2014

New EDCTP programme celebrated in Cape Town, South Africa on 2 December 2014

A high-level event in Cape Town, South Africa will mark the launch of the second programme of the European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership…