
20 March 2017

PredictTB project launched: biomarkers to predict TB treatment duration

A new EDCTP-funded project was launched at the Tygerberg Campus of Stellenbosch University in Cape Town, South Africa, on 16 and 17 March 2017. EDCTP…

09 March 2017

PanACEA kicks off new clinical trials programme for TB-drug evaluation

The EDCTP-funded PanACEA consortium (Pan-African Consortium for the Evaluation of Antituberculosis Antibiotics) who were recently awarded their second EDCTP grant worth almost € 11.4 million…

28 February 2017

UK All-Party Parliamentary Group on Global Health hosted meeting on value of EDCTP

The meeting on EDCTP as ‘African-European partnership for global health benefit’ took place on 27 February 2017 at the Houses of Parliament in London, United…

16 February 2017

PredART trial: prednisone reduces risk of TB-IRIS in HIV-infected patients by 30%

Results of the EDCTP-funded PredART clinical trial, led by Dr Graeme Meintjes, University of Cape Town, South Africa were presented at the 2017 Conference on…

17 January 2017

Switzerland fully associated to Horizon 2020 per 1 January 2017

Switzerland became an Associated Country for the full Horizon 2020 programme as of 1 January 2017. Consequently, Switzerland has regained the possibility to fully participate in the…

01 December 2016

World AIDS day 2016: EDCTP’s strategy for funding research on HIV

According to the AIDS by numbers 2016 report from UNAIDS, huge progress has been made in the fight against HIV since 2000, and millions of…

23 November 2016

Stakeholder meeting reports published: diarrhoeal diseases and lower respiratory tract infections

EDCTP published two reports of the stakeholder meetings on diarrhoeal diseases and lower respiratory tract infections, respectively. The meetings for these fields added to our…

15 November 2016

Professor Fred Newton Binka receives prestigious Dr Pascoal Mocumbi Award

The EDCTP Dr Pascoal Mocumbi Prize was given to Professor Fred Newton Binka in recognition of his outstanding achievements in advancing health research and capacity…

09 November 2016

Professor Shabir Mahdi receives Scientific Leadership Award

On 7 November 2016, Professor Dr Shabir A. Mahdi (1966) received the EDCTP 2016 Award for Scientific Leadership. The award consists of a trophy and…

09 November 2016

Zambian Research & Training Programme receives Outstanding Research Team award

The EDCTP Award for Outstanding Research Team 2016 was given to the University of Zambia – University College London Medical School (UNZA-UCLMS) Research & Training Program…

08 November 2016

Marleen Temmerman receives Outstanding Female Scientist Award

On 8 November 2016, Professor dr. Marleen Temmerman received the EDCTP Award for Outstanding Female Scientist 2016. The award consists of a trophy and 20,000…

06 November 2016

Eighth EDCTP Forum starts today, 6 November 2016

From 6 to 9 November 2016, the Eighth Forum of the European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership will take place in Lusaka, Zambia. The…

03 October 2016

Dr Leonardo Santos Simão and Professor Marcel Tanner appointed as EDCTP High Representatives

Dr Leonardo Santos Simão, a former Minister of Health and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Mozambique, has been appointed as the EDCTP High…

23 September 2016

Important clarification regarding Call 'Research and clinical management of patients in PRD epidemics in sub-Saharan Africa'

This clarification concerns the EDCTP call for proposals Research and clinical management of patients in PRD epidemics in sub-Saharan Africa.

06 September 2016

Notice of voluntary liquidation of EDCTP-EEIG (legal structure for the first EDCTP programme, 2003-2015)

The EDCTP-EEIG, the legal structure for the first EDCTP programme (2003-2015), is in liquidation (Dutch: in liquidatie). The EDCTP-EEIG was incorporated for the implementation of the activities set…