EDCTP launches €2.25 M emergency funding initiative in response to Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Today, the European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP) launched an emergency funding initiative ‘Mobilisation of research funds in case of Public Health Emergencies’…
Strengthening national health research systems in sub-Saharan Africa: a first report
EDCTP published a first report on the project to develop and strengthen national health research systems (NHRS) in sub-Saharan Africa. The report captures the kick-off…
EDCTP seeks professional for its grants system
EDCTP is looking for a Grants System Officer for the office in The Hague, the Netherlands. The officer will be responsible for the management, maintenance…
NIFTY study on yellow fever vaccine dosing will improve epidemic preparedness
The EDCTP-funded NIFTY study, led by Professor Philip Bejon (University of Oxford, UK, and KEMRI-Wellcome Trust research Programme, Kilifi, Kenya), held its kick-off meeting in Kilifi from…
EDCTP seeks several new members for its Scientific Advisory Committee as of January 2019
EDCTP is calling on high-level experts from across multiple fields and sectors to apply to become members of its Scientific Advisory Committee from January 2019. EDCTP…
Côte d'Ivoire: Francophone information event on EDCTP
On 17 July 2018, an information meeting in French was held in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, to provide information on EDCTP funding mechanisms and opportunities. It…
MTBVAC in Newborns: kick-off meeting in South Africa
The kick-off meeting of the EDCTP-funded project MTBVAC in Newborns took place in Cape Town, South Africa on 6-7 June 2018. The candidate TB vaccine…
African countries to assess their health research systems
In partnership with the Ghanaian Health Service, EDCTP will organise the kick-off meeting (Accra, 9-10 July 2018) for a project to assess African health research…
Thirty African scientists funded to conduct implementation research
WHO Regional Office for Africa (WHO AFRO) with TDR (the Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases) and EDCTP have announced 30 small…
Tribute to Prof. Ogobara Doumbo (1956-2018)
Professor Ogobara Doumbo, Director of the Malaria Research and Training Center (MRTC) in Bamako, Mali, died on 9 June 2018. He was recognized as a…
REECAO project: ethics review network in West Africa
The REECAO project, a research ethics network for West Africa based on North-South collaboration, delivered its first results. The project was funded in 2017 with…
EDCTP holds ‘trainer-of-trainers’ workshop on GCP-GCLP in Johannesburg, South Africa
The EDCTP Africa Office organised a workshop on Good Clinical Practice/Good Clinical Laboratory Practice in Johannesburg, South Africa, from 12-14 June 2018. Participants of 26…
European Commission presents next research & innovation framework ‘Horizon Europe’
The European Commission (EC)published its proposal for Horizon Europe, a €100 billion research and innovation programme, on 7 June 2018. The proposal is part of…
Kick-off for trials of preventive vaccine for dermal leishmaniasis
The PREV-PKDL consortium prepares to start clinical trials of a candidate vaccine to prevent chronic dermal leishmaniasis in patients treated for visceral leishmaniasis. The kick-off…
EDCTP launches €118 million investment
EDCTP published its 2018 calls for proposals after approval of its 2018 work plan. The eleven calls represent an overall investment of €118 million in…