TESA III annual meeting
The Trials of Excellence in Southern Africa (TESA III) Regional Network of Excellence hosted the first General Assembly in Luanda, Angola on 17 and 18 November 2022. The meeting was facilitated by the TESA coordinator, Fundação Manhiça (FM-CISM) in collaboration with Angola Health Research Center (CISA) and National Health Researcher Institute from Angola (INIS).
The meeting was attended by key stakeholders, such as the State Primary Secretary at Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation-Angola, Prof. Dr Alice de Fatima Pinto de Ceita e Almeida, Director of Angola’s National Health Research Institute (INIS), Dr Joana Morais, head of malaria programme in Angola, Dr José Franco Martins, tuberculosis national programme coordinator in Angola, Dr. Ambrósio Dissadidi, and EDCTP’s project officer for the Regional Networks of Excellence, Ms Michelle Nderu. The project partners were represented by the principal investigators from each country. The meeting also hosted the MSc, PhD and Postdoc students supported under TESA III and TAGENDI Female PhD Fellowship programme who presented during the Scientific session.
The meeting also hosted the MSc, PhDs and Postdoc students supported under TESA III and TAGENDI Female PhD Fellowship programme who presented during the Scientific session.
An advocacy meeting with the State Primary Secretary, Prof. Dr Alice de Fatima Pinto de Ceita e Almeda at Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation-Angola, EDCTP and TESA III was also hosted on the side. In this meeting the TESA III project which CISA is part of was introduced, and background on EDCTP and membership requirements were discussed.