CANTAM3 workshop: Introduction to empirical population genetics to support elimination of tropical diseases (GENEPOP-CAM)
Thanks to the Central Africa Clinical Research Network (CANTAM3) Career Development Fellowship programme, Dr Hugues C. Nana Djeunga (Research Scientist and Head of Molecular Parasitology and Genetic Epidemiology (MPGE) Research Unit at the Centre for Research on Filariasis and other Tropical Diseases (CRFilMT)), organised a training workshop on ‘Introduction to empirical population genetics to support elimination of tropical diseases (GENEPOP-CAM)’. This training took place at CRFilMT (Yaoundé, Cameroon) from 13-21 September 2022, with technical support of the Intertryp, UMR 177 IRD/Cirad in Montpellier (France), the Centre for Research in Infectious Diseases (CRID) in Yaoundé (Cameroon), and the Cameroon Academy of Young Scientists (CAYS). This training was organised to fill the training gap in population genetics in central Africa, and aimed to equip participants with the fundamental tools and concepts of population genetics to efficiently tackle tropical diseases.