Mozambique: Manhiça Foundation Symposium
On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Manhiça Health Research Centre (CISM), the Manhiça Foundation organised an international global health symposium with a focus on the ‘Role of African Health Research Institutions for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals’. The conference took place in Maputo, Mozambique from 7-9 March 2016.
Participants representing important health research centres in Africa and key international partners reflected on the future challenges and opportunities for African health research centres. EDCTP Executive Director, Dr Michael Makanga, delivered the opening keynote speech. From the perspective of research in Africa, he elaborated on North-South partnerships for African research centres, funding mechanisms for research in Africa and the crucial importance of supporting African scientists to develop their careers.
The Manhiça Health Research Centre was created in 1996 and its development has been guided by a bilateral programme between the governments of Mozambique and Spain. CISM’s activities are in three connected areas: biomedical research on HIV, tuberculosis, malaria and other infectious diseases as well as maternal, infant and reproductive health; training of young scientists; and delivery of technical services. CISM has strong international partnerships, including with the University of Barcelona, the Barcelona Centre for International Health Research (CRESIB) and the EDCTP Network of Excellence TESA (Trials of Excellence in Southern Africa). Its main funders have been the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation (AECID), The Path Malaria Vaccine Initiative, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and EDCTP.
The closing session of the conference was a tribute to Dr Pascoal Mocumbi. Laudations were delivered by the Hon. Nazira Abdula, the Minister of Health of Mozambique, the HE. Joaquim Chissano, the second President of Mozambique, Dr Pedro Alonso, Director of the WHO Global Malaria Programme and Dr Michael Makanga. In his long political career as Minister of Health, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Prime-Minister of Mozambique and afterwards as President of the Manhiça Foundation, Dr Mocumbi played an important role in fostering international partnerships in health research and supporting research capacity development in Africa. From 2004-2014, Dr Mocumbi also was the High Representative for EDCTP that in 2015 created the Dr Mocumbi Prize in recognition of his outstanding contribution to research diplomacy and strengthening African research capacity.