Journal of Tropical Medicine & International Health publishes selected abstracts from Sixth EDCTP Forum

23 May 2012

The Journal of Tropical Medicine & International Health published selected peer reviewed abstracts from the Sixth EDCTP Forum on 21 May 2012. The title of this issue supplement derives  from the Forum theme and  is:Strengthening Research Partnerships for Better Health and Sustainable Development. Abstracts of the Sixth EDCTP Forum. 9-12 October 2011. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (June 2012, Volume 17, Issue Supplement s1, pages 1-82).

In the editorial, Professor Charles Mgone, EDCTP Executive Director, and Dr Michael Makanga, EDCTP Director of South-South Cooperation and Head of EDCTP Africa Office, described the structure of the Forum and the main topics discussed, pointing out that “more than 60% of the scientific presentations made at this forum were from EDCTP funded research projects. Moreover, some of these researches addressed research priorities that were defined on the basis of recommendations of the Fifth EDCTP Forum. The core structure of the forum comprised presentation of scientific results for the disease areas of HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. For each disease keynote addresses summarised recent advances in research. Individual researchers presented their work in the parallel sessions on HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. These presentations had three overarching themes: the achievements and results of clinical research in sub-Saharan Africa; the development of scientific research capacity in sub-Saharan Africa; and North-South and South-South partnerships as an instrument for the improvement of research quality in sub-Saharan Africa.”

Forum Proceedings and Forum video
Earlier this year EDCTP published the Forum Proceedings and a Forum video. The Proceedings summarise the research presentations in the sessions on HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria, as well on the cross-cutting areas of health research capacity development, networking, ethics and regulatory affairs. Moreover, the report highlights activities of EDCTP’s collaborating partners. The video on the Sixth Forum gives an impression of the activities and discussions at the event in Addis Ababa. It briefly shows the highlights of the Sixth EDCTP Forum, its sessions, speakers, and participants.

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