First national health research agenda in Malawi

24 February 2012

The first Malawi National Health Research Agenda (NHRA) will be presented in Lilongwe, Malawi, today Friday 24 February 2012. The NHRA describes the national priorities for the research efforts of Malawi for the next five years in order to inform policy and health care service delivery. The development of the national agenda was facilitated by the Health Research Capacity Strengthening Initiative (HRCSI), a programme implemented by the National Commission for Science and Technology. Malawi is a pioneer country in delivering a health research agenda. EDCTP extend its congratulations for this great milestone.

HRSI Program Manager Dr Mathildah Chithila-Munthali:”This is indeed a historic moment for the country. Malawi has managed to achieve what many countries strive to achieve. Many sub-Saharan African countries and beyond equally strive to attain this state. Therefore, let us savour the moment and celebrate knowing that health research in the country will address relevant and real needs of the people of Malawi.”

The NHRA was developed in a step by step consultative process:

  • Priorities: First a National Task Force, chaired by Dr Charles Mwansambo, the Principal Secretary for Health, was established. The National Taskforce then embarked on the identification of the research areas to be prioritized
  • Gap analysis: Local consultants were recruited to analyse gaps in the identified thematic priority research areas. Subgroups of the National Task Force were formed for each thematic priority area to review the findings of the gap analysis studies. There comments were incorporated in the final gap analysis studies. Then the National Task Force reviewed and endorsed the revised gap analysis reports
  • Expert advice: Using the gap analysis reports, the NHRA Drafting Team developed the first draft of the NHRA. This was reviewed by advisors persons selected on the basis of their standing in health research in the country
  • Consultative meetings: The NTF organised a consultative meeting on the revised draft of the NHRA for final contributions from the key stakeholders and then finalised the NHRA document.

The next step will be to disseminate the NHRA at a regional level. Thereafter, the use of the NHRA by researchers shall be monitored and evaluated.
The programme was funded by DFID, Wellcome Trust and the International Development Research Centre.

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