EDCTP and EFPIA to jointly organise a webinar on Clinical Research Fellowship scheme

19 April 2013

EDCTP and the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA) will host a webinar to introduce the EDCTP-EFPIA Clinical Research Fellowship scheme on 12 June 2013. The scheme aims to promote research capacity for conducting clinical trials in Africa in accordance with the highest international standards. The webinar is to inform pharmaceutical companies engaged in research, developing and manufacturing medicinal products and will be moderated by Mélanie Yammine, Manager Global Health at EFPIA.

In the webinar, EDCTP will present plans for EDCTP2. It will further address the following topics:

  • Call for applications and selection process
  • Roles and responsibilities of host institutions
  • Reporting mechanisms and evaluation
  • Logistical and practical requirements

The webinar will provide an opportunity for pharmaceutical companies interested in hosting an EDCTP-EFPIA Fellow to learn more about the initiative and interact directly with the programme coordinator, Dr Gabrielle Breugelmans, North-North Networking Manager at EDCTP.

The webinar follows up on the EDCTP and EFPIA memorandum of understanding signed in January 2013. The Clinical Research Fellowship scheme will give sub-Saharan African researchers the possibility to be placed in a European-based pharmaceutical company for up to two years to develop skills in clinical trial research. The Clinical Research Fellowships will be awarded through open calls for proposals published by EDCTP in coordination with EFPIA and the pharmaceutical companies. Candidates will be selected by EDCTP and through a transparent and mutually agreed process, EDCTP and pharmaceutical companies that have expressed interest in specific candidates will jointly decide on the selected Fellows. After completion of their training, fellows will return to their countries.

For more information about the Fellowship Scheme, please contact Dr Gabrielle Breugelmans (breugelmans[at]edctp.org).