Call for participants: Workshop in Portuguese on EDCTP grant proposal writing
EDCTP is calling for applications from researchers interested in participating in a workshop on EDCTP Calls for Proposals and grant proposal writing. The workshop will be conducted in Portuguese and aims at Portuguese-speaking scientists from sub-Saharan Africa in early stages of their career.The workshop will be hosted by the Manhiça Health Research Centre (CISM) in Maputo, Mozambique from 29-31 January 2018.
Chamada de Participantes: Workshop sobre Concursos da Parceria EDCTP e Escrita de Propostas
The objectives of the workshop are to inform researchers about the main EDCTP funding mechanisms, grant review process and eligibility criteria through the delivery of hands-on and practical sessions on grant proposal writing.
Applications should be submitted via email to weinberg[at] no later than 17 November 2017, 18:00 CEST.
* Updated on 27 October 2017 regarding the final dates of the workshop and the deadline for applications.