ANDI: Fourth stakeholder meeting, 26-27 October 2011

10 November 2011

The African Network for Drugs and Diagnostics Innovation (ANDI) held its Fourth Stakeholder Meeting and Donor Conference in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 24 to 27 October 2011. EDCTP was represented by its Executive Director, Prof. Charles Mgone, who is also a member of ANDI’s Scientific and Advisory Committee. On 25 October 2011, he chaired the plenary session dedicated to the presentations on the outcome of the ANDI Centres of Excellence. This ANDI Stakeholder Meeting was the first since the organisation moved its seat to Africa and with over 400 participants was the largest of the Stakeholder Meetings until now.

During the conference the recognition of 32 New African Centres of Excellence was announced. The centres are situated in the five sub-regions of Africa and conduct research and innovation activities regarding drugs, diagnostics, vaccines, medical devices and traditional medicines. ANDI views the centres forming a network that will link and increase R&D and manufacturing by African institutions.

Background from the ANDI website:
The Secretariat and Central Office of ANDI – the African Network for Drugs and Diagnostics Innovation is hosted by the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) in Addis Ababa Ethiopia. ANDI is now seeking to create regional hubs at each of the five regions of Africa to support the implementation of ANDI activities across the continent. The regional hubs will maintain ANDI’s presence at the regional and country level while operating under the umbrella of the ANDI Secretariat. The objective of this request for proposals is to identify potential hub locations for each African region. Deadline for receipt of proposals is December, 15, 2011 and only one application is expected from a single country.

The ANDI concept was launched at the 1st Stakeholders meeting in Abuja, in collaboration with the Nigerian government in October 2008. The major outcome of the Abuja meeting was the establishment of a task force to develop a strategic and business plan for ANDI including the transition of ANDI to Africa. The strategic business plan was endorsed at the 2nd ANDI Stakeholders meeting, held in collaboration with the South African government in Cape Town in October 2009. A 3rd Stakeholders meeting held at Nairobi in October 2010 marked the launching of the ANDI governing bodies as well as the transition of ANDI to Africa. The 1st call for ANDI projects was also launched at that meeting and an update from the 1st call for Centres of Excellence was provided.

More information:
Link to Stakeholder Meeting page
Link to Programme Book
Link to Andi centres of excellence