Reviewers and observers
Proposals in response to EDCTP calls for proposals are evaluated by independent experts, who are qualified in the scientific and/or technological fields related to the proposal.
These experts are external to EDCTP and, in performing their evaluation(s), are working in a personal capacity rather than as a representative of any organisation or scientific community. Experts are selected from the EDCTP database of experts, which comprises experts from across the globe.
EDCTP may invite independent observers to attend any meeting within the peer review evaluation process. These observers are experts who are fully independent of EDCTP and are requested to examine the evaluation process from the point of view of its working and execution. Observers do not assess the proposals under evaluation. They check compliance with the procedures stipulated in the EDCTP2 work plan and with Horizon 2020 and provide EDCTP with independent advice.
External expert reviewers
Our funding decisions rely on independent, external experts to ensure that only proposals of the highest quality are selected for funding.
Independent observers
Independent observers are experts, fully independent of EDCTP, who are requested to examine the peer review evaluation process from the point of view of its working and execution.