Stakeholder Meeting on Malaria
19 September 2013
20 September 2013
Vienna, Austria
Type of event
EDCTP stakeholder meeting
The objectives of the stakeholder meeting on malaria were to:
- Review the current status and barriers to progress in the field of malaria research
- Identify the key research areas where EDCTP support can have maximum impact
- Highlight opportunities for European and African collaboration (North-North and North-South) that EDCTP can facilitate
- Identify possibilities for partnership with likeminded organisations.
Participants at the meeting included researchers from academia, representatives of product development partnerships (PDPs) and pharmaceutical industry, policy makers, funding agencies and other like-minded organisations.
Amongst the topics to be discussed are:
- Baseline epidemiology studies required to support evaluation of interventions
- Diagnostics to support evaluation of strategies for malaria control
- Evaluation of new and improved products in the context of combined interventions for enhanced malaria control
- Evaluation of transmission blocking agents (vaccines and drugs) in line with the global malaria elimination and eradication agenda
- Post-registration programmes including effectiveness studies and pharmacovigilance requirements in sub-Saharan Africa
- Capacity building and trial site requirements for conducting clinical trials on malaria
Background reading material
- Malaria Vaccine Technology Roadmap
- Malaria Vaccines Rainbow Table
- United Nations General Assembly resolution 66/289 “Consolidating gains and accelerating efforts to control and eliminate malaria in developing countries, particularly in Africa, by 2015″
- PDP portfolios
- Roll Back Malaria, 2011: Eliminating Malaria: Learning from the Past, Looking Ahead.
- Feachem, RGA. et al (2010) Shrinking the malaria map: progress and prospects
- World Health Organization World Malaria Report 2012
- Cohen, JM. et al (2012) Malaria resurgence: a systematic review and assessment of its causes
Expected meeting outcomes
A meeting report including recommendations will be produced and published on the EDCTP website. The report will also include results from the online consultation.
The final recommendations are expected to contribute towards the EDCTP strategy and operational business plan on:
- Priority research topics for calls for proposals
- Proposals for development of cooperative projects
- Products in the pipeline for evaluation by EDCTP
- Focused capacity building initiatives
- Proposals for funding partnerships.

Meeting documents
- Meeting report (English) (PDF)
- Online consultation feedback (PDF)
- Programme (PDF)
- Dr Michael Makanga, EDCTP, South Africa
Plans and progress towards EDCTP2
Download PDF
- Prof. Abdoulaye Djimdé, University of Science, Techniques and Technologies of Bamako, Mali
Recent research advances in malaria prevention and control
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- Dr Tim Wells, Medicines for Malaria Venture, Switzerland
Antimalarials I: Global Drugs Portfolio
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- Prof. Peter Kremsner, Tübingen University, Germany
Antimalarials II and Diagnostics: severe malaria
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- Prof. Clara Menendez, CRESIB, Spain
Antimalarials II and Diagnostics: preventive treatment
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- Prof. Umberto D’Alessandro, MRC The Gambia
Malaria control
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