Stakeholder meeting on HIV/AIDS
03 September 2013
04 September 2013
Lisbon, Portugal
Type of event
EDCTP stakeholder meeting
The objectives of the stakeholder meeting on HIV/AIDS were to:
- Review the current status in the field of HIV/AIDS
- Identify the key research areas, current opportunities and barriers to progress.
Participants at the meeting included researchers from academia, representatives of product development partnerships (PDPs) and pharmaceutical industry, policy makers, funding agencies and other like-minded organisations.
Amongst the topics to be discussed are:
- Building partnerships to conduct large scale Phase III and IV trials
- Adult and paediatric treatment (clinical management, drug development and reformulation of existing drugs)
- Evaluating the impact of interventions on co-morbidities/coinfections, and on development of antiretroviral resistance
- HIV prevention research with new and existing tools
- Most-at-risk populations (MARPs)
- Capitalising on EDCTP investment in capacity strengthening and trial site requirements for conducting HIV clinical trials
Expected outcomes of the meeting
A meeting report including recommendations will be produced and published on the EDCTP website. The report will also include results from the online consultation.
The final recommendations are expected to contribute towards the EDCTP strategy for supporting the HIV/AIDS research on:
- Priority research topics for calls for proposals
- Proposals for development of cooperative projects
- Products in the pipeline for evaluation by EDCTP
- Focused capacity building initiatives
- Proposals for funding partnerships
Background reading material
- UNAIDS global report 2012
- PEPFAR blueprint: creating an AIDS-free generation
- EDCTP HIV/AIDS portfolio

Meeting documents
- Meeting report – English (PDF)
- Online consultation feedback (PDF)
- Programme (PDF)
- Professor Charles Mgone, EDCTP Executive Director, The Netherlands
Plans and Progress towards EDCTP2
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- Professor Gita Ramjee, MRC South Africa
HIV overview
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- Dr Paula Munderi, MRC/UVRI Research Unit on AIDS, Uganda
Treatment and Care I: Product portfolio
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- Professor Philippe Van de Perre, University of Montpellier, France
Treatment and Care II: Paediatrics, PMTCT
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- Professor Linda-Gail Bekker, Desmond Tutu HIV Centre, South Africa
Treatment and care III: Implementation research
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- Professor Pontiano Kaleebu, MRC/UVRI Uganda Research Unit, Uganda
Vaccines (preventive and therapeutic): Product portfolio
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- Professor Sheena McCormack, MRC Clinical Trials Unit, UK
Prevention: Product portfolio, microbicides, PrEP
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