Stakeholder Meeting on Health Research Ethics
The objectives of the health research ethics stakeholder meeting was to review existing ethics gaps in Africa and discuss best capacity strengthening approaches to bridge these gaps; explore fostering collaborative efforts between initiatives involved in mapping and those offering training courses in Africa; seek advice on the best approach to support ethics networking activities in Africa; and make recommendations to EDCTP on ethics capacity areas to be prioritised in EDCTP2.
Participants at the meeting included representatives from key organisations involved in ethics training, coordination and capacity strengthening activities in Africa. This would include EDCTP collaborating partners such as WHO, Council on Health Research for Development (COHRED), Training and Resources in Research Ethics Evaluation (TRREE), South African Research Ethics Training Initiative (SARETI) and a selection of ethics committee Chairpersons from projects that have received EDCTP funding. The aim was to have participation from different countries in sub-Saharan Africa.
Expected outcomes of the meeting
A report with recommendations to shape the EDCTP strategic and operational business plan was published.
Background reading material
- John R. Williams et al., Consensus standards for introductory e-learning courses in human participants research ethics, JME online, 19 August 2013, 10.1136/medethics-2013-101572
- G.B. Tangwa, Cameroon, in: Handbook of Global Bioethics (2014)

Meeting documents
- Meeting report – English (PDF)
- Online consultation feedback (PDF)
- Programme (PDF)
- Dr Michael Makanga, EDCTP
Background on EDCTP1 ethics programme and progress towards EDCTP2
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- Dr Odile Ouwe Missi Oukem, CERMES
Health research ethics landscape in Africa over the last decade and future outlook
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- Professor Anton van Niekerk, Stellenbosch University
Feedback on external evaluation of EDCTP1 ethics programme
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- Professor Dominique Sprumont, Institute of Health Law, TRREE, University of Neuchâtel
Online ethics training programmes and standardisation of ethics training
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