Stakeholder meeting on Capacity Development
The Stakeholder Meeting on Capacity Development was held in Berlin, Germany on 3 July 2014. The objective of the meeting was to identify current and emerging capacity development gaps in order to inform the development of the strategy and operational plans of the second EDCTP programme. The 95 participants included researchers from academic and research institutions, representatives of product development partnerships and pharmaceutical industries, policymakers, funding agencies and other like-minded organisations. Among the topics discussed were: EDCTP’s integrated approach for capacity development in clinical trials projects; the regional Networks of Excellence; and development of African scientific leadership through different fellowship schemes.
In his keynote speech Prof. Fred Binka, Vice Chancellor of the University of Health and Allied Sciences, Ghana, presented a comprehensive overview of the current state of capacity development in Africa in which he stressed the need for further research capacity in Africa. From the meeting, one key message became already apparent: the need to align policies for research capacity development and general development aid. A full report of the meeting will be published in November 2014, presenting recommendations on priority capacity development areas and implementation approaches, as well as proposals for possible funding partnerships as part of joint activities under the second EDCTP programme.
Expected outcomes of the meeting
A meeting report including recommendations was produced and published on the EDCTP website.
The final recommendations will contribute towards the EDCTP strategy and operational business plan on:
- Priority capacity development topics for calls for proposals in EDCTP2 and future improvements of current EDCTP funding schemes
- Focused capacity building initiatives
- Proposals for funding partnerships as part of EDCTP2 joint activities.
The EDCTP Stakeholder Meeting on Capacity Development was held at the Maritim proArte Hotel in Berlin, Germany on 3 July 2014. The objectives of the meeting were:
- To review and identify current and emerging capacity development gaps
- To ensure that EDCTP remains focused on high priority capacity development needs and opportunities, and to align these to its strategic planning and funding
- To identify priority areas and implementation approaches to be addressed in future calls for proposals and other funding modalities
- To identify interested and potential partners to collaborate with in the execution of future EDCTP capacity development activities especially in large and long-term undertakings
- To harness the views of EDCTP stakeholders in an effort to promote integration of national programmes of EDCTP European Participating States and strengthen the partnership with African researchers.
Amongst the topics discussed were:
- EDCTP integrated approach for capacity development in clinical trials projects (taking into account Horizon 2020 rules regarding overhead costs)
- Regional Networks of Excellence
- Developing African scientific leadership by:
- Identification of gaps and priority setting for different categories of fellowships within the broader EDCTP Fellowship Programme
- Clarifying objectives and funding approaches for different fellowship schemes
- Linking research with the development of human resources, finance and project management systems.
- Post registration studies and pharmacovigilance
- Clinical trial sponsorship (associated clinical monitoring, data management and regulatory requirements for clinical trials), grants management (including project and finance management) and contract negotiation capacity in Africa
- Capacity for bio-banks

Meeting documents
- Meeting report – English (PDF)
- Online consultation feedback (PDF)
- Programme (PDF)
- Dr Michael Makanga, EDCTP
Background on EDCTP capacity development programme and progress towards EDCTP2
Download PDF - Prof. Francine Ntoumi, Congolese Foundation for Medical Research, Republic of Congo
EDCTP Network of Excellence: Central Africa Network of Excellence for Clinical Trials (CANTAM)
Download PDF - Dr Eusébio Macete, Manhiça Health Research Centre, Mozambique
Site preparedness for clinical trials in Africa
Download PDF - Prof. Abdoulaye Djimde, University of Science, Techniques and Technologies of Bamako, Mali
Clinical trial sponsorship: WANECAM experience
Download PDF - Dr Michael Kilpatrick, Medical Research Council, UK
Capacity development in financial governance in sub-Saharan Africa
Download PDF - Ms Haggar Hilda Ampadu and Dr Alex Dodoo, WHO Collaborating Center for Advocacy and Training in Pharmacovigilance, Ghana
Pharmacovigilance and post registration studies capacity
Download PDF