EDCTP side event at UNGA79 Science Summit

26 Sep 2024 17:00 CEST - 26 Sep 2024 19:00 CEST
Type of event EDCTP meeting

Investing in clinical research in Africa to develop local solutions against the global challenge of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)

26 September 2024 11:00-13:00 EDT | 17:00-19:00 CET (Virtual)

As part of the Science Summit during the 79th United Nations General Assembly (SSUNGA79), EDCTP will organise a side event that aims to illustrate the value of investing in clinical research and development of accessible and affordable antibiotics, diagnostics, and vaccines for addressing unmet medical needs in Africa through a global partnership such as EDCTP.

The objectives of the session will be to:

  • Promote awareness about EDCTP and its role and contribution towards attaining the SDGs
  • Highlight the role of R&D in tackling AMR and showcase practical examples of how the EDCTP programmes have supported clinical research on AMR
  • Discuss the priority elements for mitigating AMR and achieving the SDGs, including adopting a One Heath approach, ensuring equitable access to antimicrobials, recognising prevention as the cornerstone of response, and safeguarding adequate, sustainable and predictable financing for antibiotic, diagnostics, and vaccine development.

This side session will take place virtually.

Visit the SSUNGA79 website to access the agenda of the event.

Registration is free.