EDCTP at AERAP Science
The AERAP Africa-Europe Science Collaboration Platform will organise a roundtable discussion on 8-9 December 2021 to consider the contribution of science to the priorities for the EU-Africa summit, currently scheduled for 17-18 February 2022 under the French Council Presidency of the European Union (1 January -30 June 2022). The purpose of the meeting will be to promote awareness of the contribution of collaborative research and development as a critical aspect of EU-Africa relations and collaborations while recognising the context of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, which provides a critical narrative.
EDCTP will be featured in the following sessions:
Wednesday, 8 December | 10:00 – 11:30
Policy Roundtable: How will multi-stakeholder science cooperation support the objectives of the 2022 EU-Africa Summit and ensure a strong policy, legislative and regulatory basis for science in, and cooperation with, Africa
Presenter: Michael Makanga, EDCTP Executive Director
Thursday, 9 December | 10:45-12:15
Policy Roundtable: Partnering for the development of sustainable clinical research infrastructures and a skilled workforce in Africa
Presenter: Michael Makanga, EDCTP Executive Director
This session is co-chaired by EDCTP and the European Clinical Research Infrastructure Network (ECRIN) and will bring together key global health actors to collectively discuss the next steps towards the comprehensive mobilization of all the stakeholders necessary for building sustainable clinical research infrastructure, skills development, and strengthening of institutions for the development and uptake of safe and effective R&I products in Africa. A set of recommendations on clinical trial infrastructure and capacity building in Africa arising from a session hosted by ECRIN and EDCTP on 17 June 2021 at the Africa-Europe Science and Innovation Summit will also be further discussed.