EDCTP alumni network launch
Research capacity development
EDCTP has established a comprehensive programme of fellowships , ranging from preparatory fellowships to senior fellowships. Already 47 African researchers including 7 Clinical Research and Development Fellows, 29 Career Development Fellows and 11 Senior Fellows, have successfully applied for funding from EDCTP. Moreover, the EDCTP-funded regional networks will again contribute to research capacity development, with an extended disease scope, a North-South collaboration component and a longer-term strategy.
The EDCTP Africa Office is responsible for ensuring strengthened cooperation between European and sub-Saharan African countries through research capacity development in Africa. Supporting careers will assist this development as well as the retention of scientists trained in its programme in Africa.
From 2017, EDCTP will incorporate in this initiative a value adding concept, i.e. the EDCTP Research Leaders Network (EDCTP RELEARN) – promoting research leadership in sub-Saharan Africa. The Johannesburg workshop launches this network for current and former EDCTP fellows.
The main objective of the two-day (by invitation) workshop is to introduce an online interactive platform for EDCTP fellows. This workshop will provide a forum for all EDCTP fellows to meet, learn more about the alumni platform and other relevant EDCTP activities, and network with each other. In addition, the meeting will explore potential benefits of increased interaction of the current EDCTP alumni with ongoing EDCTP- supported regional networks and disease specific consortia, as well as with various regional and global partners.