TESA: Trials of Excellence in Southern Africa

African members: Angola, Botswana, eSwatini, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe
European members: France, The Netherlands, Spain
Coordinator: Dr Francisco Saúte, Fundação Manhiça, Mozambique
Project website
EDCTP case study
TESA I and TESA II oversaw the training of 19 master’s, 12 PhD students and two postdoctoral researchers. The network has established four reference centres at high-performing institutions, one for each specific disease area (HIV/AIDS, TB and malaria), while one institution acts as the reference data management centre. The reference centres provide support to other sites in the network, as well as conducting training and capacity development in their respective areas.
One of the network’s sites has created an internal monitoring unit, to establish a systematic process for clinical study monitoring. Successful applications were made for two EDCTP senior fellowships and one preparatory fellowship under the TESA II umbrella.
Members of the network have been successful in attracting grants from EDCTP and elsewhere, including the PreFit, ADAM, MAMAH, XACTIII, ERASE-TB, TriageTB and Stool4TB projects. The EDCTP-funded projects will offer opportunities for hands-on training in multiple aspects of clinical research and capacity building in laboratory skills. TESA III is maintaining its focus on developing the laboratory and clinical research capacity of under-developed sites in the network, particularly drawing on the strengths of the reference centres. It is also strengthening collaborations with other networks with similar aims and with policymakers to coordinate activities and achieve greater impact.