EACCR: East African Consortium for Clinical Research

African members: Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda
European members: Belgium, The Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, UK
Coordinator: Professor Pontiano Kaleebu, Uganda Virus Research Institute, Uganda
Project website
EDCTP case study
EACCR has carried out multiple laboratory upgrades at underdeveloped network sites. In total, 33 master’s students, five PhD students and five postdoctoral researchers have benefited from long-term training, while many others have attended short-term training courses. Through its reciprocal monitoring scheme, the network trained 25 clinical research associates, who have monitored more than 30 clinical studies in the region.
Network partners successfully bid for EDCTP funding for the EXIT-TB project, which is exploring implementation of interventions to identify TB cases missed by conventional screening approaches, as well as for the EAPoC-VL study, which is exploring implementation of point-of-care viral load testing in young people with HIV. EDCTP funding was also secured for a career development fellow and a senior fellow. Collectively, EACCR2 partners obtained £20M additional funding from EDCTP and other sources.
Research studies funded through the EACCR3 grant will have a particular focus on the interaction between poverty-related infectious diseases and non-communicable diseases and with other infectious diseases, including COVID-19. EACCR is also a part of the two EDCTP-funded epidemic preparedness consortia, ALERRT and PANDORA-ID-NET, and is strengthening its links with other key institutes and networks in the regions, including Africa CDC, the East Africa Public Health Laboratory Network, and the WHO Regional Office for Africa.