EDCTP2 High-Level Meeting to precede Seventh EDCTP Forum
EDCTP Forum starts one day later
A High-Level Meeting on the second programme of the European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP2) will be held in Dakar, Senegal on Monday 21 October 2013. This meeting will be hosted by the government of the republic of Senegal and is jointly organised by the European Union and EDCTP. It aims to unite EDCTP participating countries and other existing and future partners, in order to reinforce their concrete commitment to the second programme expected to start in 2014. The High-Level Meeting will be followed by the opening ceremony of the Seventh EDCTP Forum to be held on 21 October 2013. The Forum will now run from 21 to 24 October 2013.
The High-Level Meeting in Dakar will follow up and consolidate discussions and recommendations of the first High-Level Meeting held in November 2012 in Cape Town. This meeting will be by invitation only and will bring together policy-makers, product development partners and representatives of industry, non-governmental organisations and the research community.
Seventh EDCTP Forum dates moved one day to 21-24 October 2013
To accommodate the High-Level Meeting which will involve senior officials of African and European governments, as well as other parties, the Seventh EDCTP Forum will start one day later than was originally communicated. The conference will be held at the same venue from 21 to 24 October 2013.
The theme for this Forum is: The Partnership journey: New horizon for better health. This theme takes into account the entire EDCTP journey from its inception to the present, connecting the peaks and valleys experiences, and aspirations for a new horizon: the future of EDCTP.
The Forum programme will include speakers from the scientific, policy, ethics and regulatory as well as political fields. The focus will be on advances in research, capacity development, networking and agenda setting for clinical research on HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. Priority will be given to EDCTP-funded projects to share their results.
More information about the Seventh EDCTP Forum is available at www.edctpforum.org.